
Enzymes can bring dough tolerance, strength and emulsification properties. They work optimally in synergy with emulsifiers in bakery applications

Possible applications are Bread, Buns, Donuts, Croissants, Cake, Frozen Dough, Flatbread, Crackers

Product features:

Product benefits:

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botanical extracts | carotenoids | chelate | flavours | food colours | inulin isomalt & palatinose™ | herbs & spices | mustard | natural fruit sugars oligofructose | omega-3 | rice derivatives | pan oils | plant texturates pharmaceutical lactose | functional milk proteins | vanilla extracts & beans yeast extracts  |  WPC/WPI/WPH/MPC/MPI
member of DVAI and BLL
ISO 9001:2015  |  Certificate Organic Products